Friday, August 19, 2016

Are Medical Care Professionals Responsible For Injuries That Their Patients Cause?

     When you get your wisdom teeth pulled, undergo surgery, or get your eyes dilated by an ophthalmologist, you should be driven home by someone you trust. After undergoing such procedures, your driving will be impaired and getting behind the wheel will put yourself and others in danger. Your doctor must warn you of the side effects of medication, especially if it will have an effect on your driving. If they fail to do so and you are involved in an accident, they may be liable to provide compensation. The people you injure with your car may also want to hold the doctor accountable for their lack of action. However, whether they are able to do so is highly disputed in the court system.

     To help explain the concept, here’s an example: Mike decides to take a trip to the gas station; maybe he needs gas, or maybe he’s feeling lucky and decides to buy a lotto ticket. Because he lives in Malone, there are more than enough gas stations to choose from, but he decides to go to Stewart’s and makes his purchase. While he’s walking out of the store, a car hurtles across the parking lot and strikes him. The car is driven by an elderly man who is recovering from an eye dilation. The elderly man’s doctor did not tell him how long the dilation was meant to last. Mike survives the accident but suffers serious injuries from it. Should the eye doctor be liable for Mike’s injury?

     This example is actually very similar to an actual event in the case, Purdy v. The Public Administration of Westchester County. A good summary of the case and its significance is outlined by Thomas A. Moore Matthew Gaier in a recent article they wrote for the New York Law Journal. In that case, a man was struck by a vehicle driven by a 75-year old woman who blacked out behind the wheel. The woman lived at a nursing home and experienced frequent blackouts. The injured man, Purdy, took legal action against the nursing home for allowing the woman to drive.

     Now, the only difference between the example involving ‘Mike’, above and the actual court case was that the fictitious Mike in the example was that he was hit by someone who was given eye drops by his doctor. Eye drops are a form of medication. By contrast, the woman in Purdy v. The Public Administration of Westchester County was not given any medication by the nursing home where she lived. That single difference may seem small, but it has a significant impact in the eyes of the court.

     In the court case discussed above, the elderly woman was under the care of medical professionals because she lived in a nursing home. This means that the nursing home owed a duty to elderly woman through an established relationship. Purdy was a third party to that relationship. The question proposed by the Court was wheher the medical professionals at the nursing home owed a duty to Purdy even though he had no direct relationship with them. The Court also questioned whether the nursing home had control over the woman’s ability to drive.

     The Court found that the nursing home did not owe a …..duty of care to the public and did not have significant authority over the woman’s ability to operate a vehicle. It was also found that the medical care professionals did not owe a duty to warn the woman of the dangers involved in driving for the benefit of the public. These decisions were made largely because the medical care professionals did not administer any medication to the woman. Because she was not given medication, there were no side effects of which she could be warned. In the process of resolving this court case, it was made clear that doctors and other medical personnel may be held accountable by injured third parties if the use of medication is involved.

     Purdy’s case occurred in 1988 and since that time, other cases have surfaced that have clarified the Court’s position on this issue a little more. In Davis v. South Nassau Community Hospital, the Court made the following statement. “Where a medical provider has administered to a patient medication that impairs or could impair the patient’s ability to safely operate an automobile, the medical provider has a duty to third parties to warn patient of that danger.” This means that if a doctor gives their patient medication that could have side-effects that would cause the patient to drive in a dangerous fashion, the doctor is to clearly indicate those side effects to the patient and explain that it can affect their driving.

     The side effects of a medication that can effect one’s driving include; sedation, weakness, dizziness, unsteadiness, and disorientation. Patients who feel any of these symptoms should not get behind the wheel as it will put them at risk as well as others.

     In addition, the Court has also considered third party relationships in a different light. In Davis v. South Nassau Community Hospital, the Court concluded that it must be considered in each case as to whether the medical provider is in the best position to prevent harm given their relationship to the patient and third party. If the medical provider is in the best position to prevent harm by warning a medicated patient about the dangers of driving, they may be held liable if a third party becomes injured. This is because the medical professional was the one who made the decision to administer the medication to the patient.

     Vehicles are powerful machines that can cause horrible damage to people and property when they are not operated correctly. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident with an individual taking medication, you may be able to receive compensation for your injuries. If you have any questions about third party relationships in automobile accidents, contact Poissant, Nichols, Grue, and Vanier at:

367 West Main Street                                                                        45 Market Street
Malone, New York 12953                                                                 Potsdam, New York 13676

Phone: (518) 483-1440
Toll Free: 1-800-924-3529

-Paul Nichols

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Driverless Cars Still Need Drivers

     In 2011, Google began to seriously test what they later referred to as a ‘driverless car’. The goal of this testing is to one day develop a vehicle which does not require a driver to operate it. Navigation, speed, and steering would all be handled by an artificial intelligence designed to transport passengers safely from one area to another. Five years later, other companies such as Ford and Tesla now share Google’s aspirations and are working on driverless car technology in their own vehicles. Once this technology is fully developed and available on the market, individuals such as the elderly and disabled will experience a new level of independence that they previously did not have. When it was first announced, it was a common belief that driverless cars would not be seen on the road for many, many years. Now in 2016, Tesla has been the first company to release a vehicle with basic driverless car technology on the market. There is no doubt that further advancements will be made as companies rush to compete with Tesla’s vehicles. As the concept of what it means to be a ‘driver’ changes over time, Courts across the country will face new and interesting questions as to who can really be held accountable for car accidents. There have already been two car accident cases involving driverless car technology. These events have led the Court to debate over who is and who is not at fault for such accidents.

     The driverless car option first appeared in Tesla’s Model S vehicles. These features included automatic braking and steering. It is also possible for the vehicle to detect its surroundings and make adjustments accordingly. Collectively, these features work together in a function called ‘Autopilot’. Upon the release of the Model S, Tesla stressed the fact that the Autopilot technology was still in its ‘beta’ stage of development, meaning that research and development of the product is ongoing. When applied to software, ‘beta’ is largely associated with early product releases that forecast a greater technology to come. It also marks the transition of a program from its ‘creation’ phase to its ‘usable’ phase. This means that there are likely to be software bugs and glitches that surface as the program is being used. Tesla’s statement should be taken as a warning by drivers to use the Autopilot with discretion and not to rely upon it completely. Many legal professionals believe that the title ‘Autopilot’ has led some drivers to put more faith than they should in the driverless car feature. So far, Tesla has refused to change the name despite two accidents that occurred in Model S cars.

     In the first accident, a man was using the Autopilot feature in his vehicle when he was struck and killed by a tractor trailer that passed in front of the car. Tesla has since been questions about the reliability of the software and why it did not detect the tractor trailer as it crossed in front of the car’s path. The car was traveling at approximately 65 miles/hour when it collided with the tractor trailer. It is unsure as to whether speed affects the software’s ability to detect oncoming objects, however, it was a sudden collision.

     In the second case, the Autopilot program failed to traverse a winding road when activated. Instead, the car was driven off the road completely before it crashed. Fortunately, the accident was not fatal. In this case, Tesla stated that the driver was at fault for the accident because he ignored the Autopilot’s safety features.

     The Model S cars are equipped with pressure sensors in the car’s driver’s seat and steering wheel. When Autopilot is activated, the driver then has to periodically place his or her hands on the wheel or they will receive an audio warning from the car. This security measure is meant to keep a driver awake and alert even though they are not steering the vehicle. If the driver fails comply with the warning, the car will then slow down until the wheel is gripped. According to Tesla, the man in the second case failed to follow the car’s warnings and place his hands on the steering wheel.

     While these security measures certainly improve the vehicle’s safety, there is still much room for improvement. Irresponsible and dangerous drivers have found ways of tricking the security system in an attempt to lounge in the back seat of their vehicle while the program navigates it. By placing weighted objects in the correct spots in the front seat, a driver can fool the car into thinking that someone is at the wheel. This is very dangerous, irresponsible, and illegal for someone to do as it endangers both the driver and anyone involved in an accident that their actions may cause.

     Another hiccup in the Autopilot program involves its vehicle detection system. This feature allows the car to recognize other vehicles that travel in its proximity. While this is essential for the car’s navigation, some glitches have been found in the software. When a vehicle is detected, the Autopilot program will attempt to match it with a make and model of car which will allow it to estimate the dimensions of the car for navigation purposes. However, there have been occasions where the software has failed to match the car with a recognized make and model or incorrectly matches the identified vehicle with the wrong brand or model. While this has yet to cause an accident, it is concerning because the Autopilot’s steering is determined by the environment around it, including other cars. In particular, the Autopilot’s ‘Merging’ feature may be affected by this glitch.

     If the software can be tricked and the person sitting in the front seat isn’t actually driving the car, who can be held accountable if a car accident happens? The law is that the owner of a vehicle is responsible for any damage caused by that vehicle whether or not they are the driver. For more information about the ownership and liability of drivers, please read our article, Who Should Be Driving Your Vehicle. Even so, drivers have a duty to be alert and do everything within their power to avoid car accidents. For more information on that, refer to our article, Use Your Right-of-Way The Right Way. Drivers must use discretion when using the technology in their vehicles and judge the effectiveness of the technology based on the situation.

     While the Autopilot feature is innovative, it should not be used to navigate complicated or roads that have many curves and different contours. It is best used on highways or long stretches of roadway. Using the feature in these areas will allow a driver to rest and be prepare for more complicated navigation ahead.

     Even though the Autopilot program is capable of steering the vehicle, whoever sits behind the steering wheel at that time is still considered a driver, even when doing something stupid like climbing into the back seat to trip the so called, ‘Autopilot’ system. The Autopilot does not activate on its own. A driver must flip a switch by the steering wheel in order to turn it on. This means that a driver must make the conscious decision to use the technology available to him or her. Therefore, their actions will still be considered by the Court. Tesla released an additional statement which stated that drivers to have a responsibility to keep their hands on the wheel. Although they may be allowed to relax when Autopilot is active, he or she still has the same driving responsibilities as when the feature is turned off.

     In this way, the consideration of a driver’s roll in a driverless car has not changed in in a legal sense. The owner-driver relationship in terms of liability still applies to this situation. Yet, a third party such as the manufacturer or designer of the vehicle may be held accountable for such a car accident if a claim in product liability can be established. A product liability lawsuit is established when someone becomes injured by a product, like a motor vehicle, due to an error made by a manufacturer or designer of the product. This error could be related to unsafe product design, ignored federal or state regulations, a defective product, or the inability of the product to do that for which it was designed to do.      

     This technology is new and exciting, but it must be used with care. Drivers should not push and break the boundaries of safety just because they believe it is possible to do so. When you own a vehicle or drive a vehicle, your actions can result serious consequences. Think of Autopilot as an aid rather than the entity its name suggests. Despite what you may believe, this technology is nowhere near capable of replacing a driver.

     As a side note, I would like to share my opinion on certain ‘reward’ systems that insurance companies offer drivers for good driving. These rewards come in the form of reduced payments and sometimes gift cards. A person should not be rewarded for doing something as simple as looking out for being a careful driver. Maintaining your own safety and the safety of others should always be a concern of drivers whether they have a monetary incentive to do so or not. Acting to save your life and the lives of others is a legal duty when you are behind the wheel and the fact that some people need an extra push to do so is disconcerting. Be a good driver whether you are or are not operating a driverless car.

     If you have questions about the liability involved in owning and operating a car or other motor vehicle, contact Poissant, Nichols, Grue, and Vanier at:

367 West Main Street                                                                        45 Market Street
Malone, New York 12953                                                                 Potsdam, New York 13676

Phone: (518) 483-1440
Toll Free: 1-800-924-3529

-Joseph Nichols
-Paul Nichols

Monday, August 1, 2016

Facebook Posts as Evidence:

     Only a few years ago, the Court would not have viewed Facebook posts as a reliable source of evidence. The reasoning behind this was that a person could create a website resembling Facebook and post false information to it that would alter the outcome of a case. Over the years, we have become more aware of Facebook’s security measures as they have developed. We have also cyber-based forensic methods that have seemingly improved over time. Now in 2016, Facebook posts are seen as valuable sources of information for attorneys and can be used as evidence in a case.

     Take a moment to count the number of times you have accessed Facebook today. How many posts did you make? How many posts did you read? How personal were they? Some people feel very comfortable posting personal information about themselves because of privacy controls used on the Facebook website. While these security measures may keep some unwanted viewers away from this information, it can still be used in a legal case. An attorney does not have to contact a Facebook representative in order to access this information. Evidence taken from Facebook is just that, evidence.

     The same steps that are taken to present any evidence in a case are applied to Facebook posts as well without many adjustments. An article written by Michael J. Hutter in the New York law Journal explores the steps that must be taken to have Facebook admitted into evidence in a case. Mr. Hutter, a law professor at Albany Law School, emphasizes that the Facebook evidence must be relevant and must be authentic.

     First, it must be shown to the court that the Facebook posts are relevant to the case. For example, if you claim you were injured in an automobile accident such that you can no longer engage in activities, but your Facebook posts shows you skydiving and riding mountain bikes, the insurance company will consider such evidence relevant in that it disputes your claim of injuries.

     In order to become evidence, the information has to be authenticated. In other words, it must be proven that the Facebook profile owner made the post.

     The use of Facebook as evidence has grown over the past years. Whether the post or messages are made ‘private’ or not, they may still appear in a court room.

     We urge our clients to be very careful in what they post on Facebook, particularly if they are anticipating litigation.

     For example, if you know that you’re going to be in a custody dispute involving your children with your ex-spouse or a custody of litigation involving the other parent, it is absolutely counterproductive to your case to have posted pictures on Facebook or other social media showing you knocking back alcoholic beverages. Perhaps even more devastating are the insults that separated parents post on Facebook when they are directed at the other parent. Every judge that we have appeared before in custody matters involving children have no patience for parents who send negative comments or insults to the other parent via Facebook or other social media.

     Be mindful of what you post on Facebook or other social media sites. Consider how that information that you’re sharing on Facebook will affect you in the future. Certainly, never threaten or harass other individuals online. Even if you delete the post or messages that are offensive, they will be saved by another person and deleting posts or messages does not mean that they have been eliminated as they can always be reconstructed. This includes pictures and video posts.

     For more information about the use of Facebook-based evidence in a court proceeding, contact Poissant, Nichols, Grue, and Vanier at:  

367 West Main Street                                                                        45 Market Street
Malone, New York 12953                                                                 Potsdam, New York 13676

Phone: (518) 483-1440
Toll Free: 1-800-924-3529

-Joseph Nichols

-Paul Nichols